Colors that repel mosquitoes and keep them away
With the weather warming up, there’s nothing more frustrating than mosquitoes buzzing around your home or yard.
Not only can these pesky insects invade our space, but they leave itchy and swollen marks on our skin if you’re unlucky enough to get bitten. In worse cases, certain species can transmit deadly diseases, like malaria and dengue fever. That’s why it’s important to know how to get rid of mosquitoes fast. And if you’ve tried every repellent, and deterring plant going, you’ll be surprised to learn there’s another way to repel mosquitoes — colors.
According to scientists from the University of Washington, there are certain colors that repel mosquitoes and others that attract them. Their study published in Nature Communications revealed that the mosquito’s sense of smell (olfaction), influences how it responds to visual cues/colors. However, this color preference only occurs in the presence of carbon dioxide (CO2), which we exhale when we breathe.
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